Sunday, November 21, 2010

Solids, Liquids, Gaaaaasssss

Our lesson went very well! We had them move their seats and desks before anything else so we could have them in their groups from last week. We started off the lesson by having the kids watch a video off my laptop on Solids, Liquids and Gases. They absolutely loved it! It was awesome to see them enjoy it and laugh at the stick figure! Jen asked them some comprehension questions and I was really happy to see they all paid attention! She called them back to their seats by color of their clothes and they were able to go right back to their groups.

After they were settled in their seats, I went over the vocabulary for the lesson (What is a filter? What is a solution?) and the process skills we'd be using for the day. After the discussion, Jen designated one person per group to get the supplies that were from last lesson. They observed what the solids and looked like from the week and I recorded their observations on the board. After they were finished I went over the lists really quick to make sure we covered everything! We had two volunteers come up and compare the coffee filter and a kitchen colander to show them the differences in hole size and we talked about what each filter was used for.

Jen did a great job giving the kids, and sticking to, time limits on each step of the process. We had a ton of supplies and materials for the lesson so it was really important that everyone stay on task. Jen did a great job starting us off on explicit, step-by-step instruction.They had to put the coffee filter in a funnel and pour each mixture through a clean filter into empty cups and record what happened. After every step, we gathered their attention and moved on; they seemed to really respond to time limits, everyone was right on task and the rest of the lesson went well! We have some great students to work with! We had bigger groups and smaller groups and no matter what the number, they always worked out who would stir, who would hold the filter.

After they were finished separating the gravel, toilet tissue, and salt from the water, we discussed what they saw during the experiment. The kids really understood that the tissue and gravel separated because they weren't able to fit through the holes in the coffee filter. One student also mentioned the toilet tissue sank to the bottom of the cup because it was filled with water and got heavier. These kids are so smart!

All-in-all we had a great lesson! We agree that it went smoothly, the kids were completely interested and excited, and they learned the main ideas! Our teacher was really happy to see that we are trying to incorporate the points she's helped us with and said it was a great lesson! Can't wait for Monday!

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