Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh, I know! It bubbles and then makes Sprite!

Our first lesson went so well! Jen and I had a blast teaching our super-smart 3rd graders! We took turns explaining everything to the class and we had a pretty even split of the information. We were nervous about timing but we ended up doing pretty well, though we'll go over the poem next time. If a point needed to be made, we both jumped in to cover each other.

           Our kids were so excited to make a chart from the change cards, each waving their hand enthusiastically in the air for each question. After we explained the safety rules, I could clearly see the kids wafting the smells to their noses during observations and gave some of them thumbs up for using the right technique! By far, the best part of the lesson was when they dropped the tablet into the water and even though some smart kids knew what would happen, each kid OOHHHed and AAAHHed! It was so great to hear and watch the kids become so excited for experiments!
Most predicted and maintained that the water had turned into Sprite! They were adamant after the lesson that we tell them what the tablet really was! The kids don't normally have science experiments in the classroom so they were excited to learn more and were focused throughout the lesson. They were super-smart though! They had a lot of prior knowledge on the phases, properties, and the changes they go through because most kids predicted that the water in the ice cube tray would freeze in the freezer. I can't wait to go back and explore melting ice with such smart kids!


  1. Hi Jillian,

    What a fun day you girls had! Those third graders do seem really smart. They must love you both for doing science experiments with them, especially if they don't usually have experiments in their classroom! I can't wait to go back to Byam either! Wonderful job! :)

  2. Hey Jillian,

    Your experiment sounds like a lot of fun! Doesn't make you feel great when the students get so excited when you show them something cool. They think of us as so cool because we have the knowledge of the experiment and why it happens. Since the kids do not normally have science experiments in the classroom it must have been very special and exciting for them to watch everything that was going on. I am glad your lesson was very successful!! :)
